If your dog has recently started whining at night for no reason, either when sleeping, awake, or randomly, then you might wonder, “why is my dog whining at night?”
Dogs normally can display responses depending on what situation they may have gotten themselves into; they may bark, yelp with joy, or do nothing depending on how they feel about a particular aspect.
This article will deal with the somewhat confusing aspects of a dog whining and whether such behavior might warrant a great deal of concern.
Why is my dog whining in his sleep
Why is my dog whining at night in his sleep? If you have been noticing your dog whining while sleeping, then they might indicate some of the below:
Your dog might be dreaming
Dogs can often whine at night while sleeping due to dreams; believe it or not, dogs can have vivid dreams like us. A dog typically starts whining once they go into the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage.
In this stage, dogs may start having neither excellent nor too-good dreams. During this period, a day may dream for 5-10 minutes or less if they are of smaller breeds.
Why is my dog whining at night in his sleep? In most cases, a dog whining at night in his sleep or slightly moving means the dog has a dream.
Your dog might be in pain
A dog may also whine at night while sleeping if they are feeling physical pain due to an injury, or they might be experiencing internal pain thanks to an upset stomach or even a more severe condition such as Canine Bloat or even a seizure.
This may be due to them consuming food in rapid motion or simply having a bad diet and consuming stuff that is not supposed to be edible. If your dog is shaking, check this article to learn why my dog shakes so much.
On the other hand, a seizure may happen due to irregular activity in the brain; symptoms of such may manifest with the dog whimpering while possibly foaming from the mouth.
Make sure to rule out such conditions by taking your dog to a vet to ensure they are not suffering from a medical condition.
Your dog might be in Separation Anxiety
If you are sleeping separately from your dog, they may whine in their sleep due to feeling lonely and may want to get up, close and personal by sleeping with you rather than separately; separation anxiety can often affect dogs badly as they may often become extremely fond of their owners and won’t take it well being separated for long periods.
Why is my dog whining at night in his sleep? He may have a dream or want to get close to you; make sure to get your dog checked by an animal vet to rule out medical issues.
Why is my dog whining so much?
Why is my dog whining so much? A dog may suddenly start whining due to the following:
Your dog might want to play or need exercise
Dogs can often pine for attention and may start whining for such a reason; your dog might want to play with you and wants attention. Hence the dog might simply be whining as such to get your attention and play with you.
Make sure your dog is not injured internally or externally
Your dog also could be in pain; dogs can start whining at random periods due to pain, it could be related to an internal medical condition, or they might have suffered an injury. Maybe your dog has a dental problem; try to touch your dog’s mouth and press slightly to see if your dog is avoiding or making any weird reactions.
This might be anyone of the reasons to know why my dog whines at night so much. The dog may need possible medical treatment for an injury or other diseases.
Your dog might be feeling the heat
If you have a female dog, she may start whining or trembling when she is in her heat (Estrus) stage. In this stage, a female dog may experience various emotions due to hormonal changes and may display such by whining or crying at random intervals.
A male dog, on the other hand, may also whine or cry if they sense a female dog in heat nearby, as female dogs release a pheromone called Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate which can override the normal preservation senses of a male dog, hence causing them to go into a tracking spree for the female dog.
Your dog might be anxious or feeling lonely
An anxious dog may also whine at times if they are feeling uncomfortable; this can either be due to being in the presence of a dog who they feel might be dangerous, a particular intruder in the house, or separation anxiety which stems from being separated from the owner itself.
Why is my dog whining at night so much? Make sure to rule out the listed reasons above first and call a vet even if your dog doesn’t stop whining.
Why is my dog whining while lying down?
If your dog is whining while lying down, then it might be possible that it is experiencing osteoarthritis symptoms (joint pain); this may happen to dogs who have advanced in age significantly.
Else, it could be that your dog is simply feeling fatigued and is whining due to being extremely tired from whatever he might have been doing before; dogs are also known to whine while lying down as a sign of submission, especially to older and more fearsome dogs or as a sign of apology or if your dog gagging then checks this article to learn Why does my dog keep gagging but not throwing up.
Why is my dog whining after being neutered or spayed
Why is my dog whining at night after being neutered or spayed? A dog’s neutering or spaying usually means removing its sexual organs. In this case, a dog may feel pain from the surgery and, as a result, may result in them whining from the operation performed on them.
Make sure you should not bathe your dog after being neutered or spayed. For more information, check this article when can I bathe my dog after neutering or spay?
A neutering or spaying can also result in a dog’s hormones going out of balance. It may cause them to be slightly grumpy, experience mixed ranges of emotion, and whine due to the removal of their reproductive organs.
Why is my dog whining at night? There can be several reasons for such happenings; it is essential to get your dog checked up by a vet if the dog keeps whining for extended periods and shows several abnormal symptoms, such as trembling, vomiting, or lethargy.