Why Are Puppy Teeth So Sharp and When Do Puppy Teeth Fall Out

Why are puppy teeth so Sharp, and when do puppy teeth fall out

Puppies are one of the cutest living creatures that everyone loves. Everyone wants a puppy in their house, from kids to adults, and they become man’s best friend. But take care while playing with puppies.

Many people didn’t believe that a puppy’s teeth were sharper than a dog’s. You can easily avoid accidents if you know why puppy teeth are so Sharp.

You can make your puppy’s teeth less sharp by properly caring for and monitoring them. However, some people like sharp teeth and want their pets to have the sharpest teeth to protect them from anyone.

Now without wasting time, let’s get into the article.

Why are Puppy Teeth so Sharp

So there are a lot of reasons Why are puppy teeth so Sharp? The most common reason is it’s a natural gift. Every animal, plant, or human being has some natural specialty, and sharp teeth are a god-gifted specialty.

Another reason is weaning. As puppies grow, they begin weaning off their mother’s milk. Due to their sharp teeth, the mother avoids feeding them, so they move towards other diet options.

Solid food items and chewing toys are also one of the reasons Why are puppy teeth so Sharp.

How Can I Make My Puppy's Teeth Less Sharp

The best answer to how I can make my puppy’s teeth less sharp is by giving them soft food items for feeding. The best way is to give them a liquid diet like milk.

For some days, please don’t give them any chewing toys because they are one of the biggest reasons their teeth become sharp and rough.

How Long Do Puppies' Teeth Stay Sharp

Their teeth stay sharp until they lose their teeth. Before knowing why puppy teeth fall out, you should know when puppy teeth fall out.

Like humans, puppies’ teeth fall out after some time, and permanent teeth replace their milk teeth. Usually, their teeth start to fall at four months, and they lose all their milk teeth at eight months.

Are Some Puppies Teeth Sharper Than Others

As we mentioned above, everyone on this planet has some specialty. Though every puppy has sharp teeth, some breeds have relatively sharper teeth.

Labrador Retriever, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Doberman Pinscher are some breeds whose puppies have the sharpest teeth.

How to Keep Puppy Teeth Clean

Now, after knowing why puppy teeth are so Sharp and when puppy teeth fall out, it’s time to know how to clean those sharp teeth. Dog dental chews are the best way to clean your puppy’s teeth.

Professional Veterinarian Cleanings is also a good and the most effective way to clean your puppy’s teeth. It also provides complete dental care to the baby. You can also use delicious toothpaste for brushing your puppy’s teeth frequently.

If the toothpaste is delicious, it will be easier for you to brush your puppy’s teeth.


After reading the above article, all your doubts regarding why puppy teeth are so Sharp and when puppy teeth fall out will be cleared.

The only thing you have to remember is to take care while playing with puppies and don’t put your finger or hand in their mouth.

Also, we have mentioned a lot of ways to make your teeth less sharp. The most important advice is to take your baby to a Veterinarian checkup frequently.

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