Lhasa Apso Dog Breed Facts and Personality Traits

All you need to know about the Lhasa Apso Dog Breeds. A complete profile on the breed information, history, personality, adaptability, food, care, etc.,

Dog Breed Group

Companion Dogs


9 to 11 inches tall at the shoulder


12 to 15 pounds

Life Span:

12 to 15 years




Overall 60%
Affectionate With Family
Affectionate with Kids
Affectionate with other Dogs
Affectionate with Strangers


Overall 80%
Tolerates Being Alone
Tolerates Cold Weather
Tolerates Hot Weather
First Time Owners
For Apartment Living
Sensitivity Level

Health And Grooming

Overall 40%
General Health
Potential For Weight Gain
Breed Size
Shedding Amount
Easy To Groom
Drooling Amount


Overall 60%
Easy To Train
Intelligence Level
Level of Prey Drive
Potential For Mouthiness
Barking & Howling Level
Wanderlust Potential

Physical Needs

Overall 80%
Energy Level
Exercise Needs
Intensity Level
Potential For Playfulness

Overview of Lhasa Apso Breed:

Lhasa Apso Dog Breed - Complete Profile, History, and Care. https://www.petspalo.com

The independent Lhasa Apso is a watchful and caring companion who wants nothing more than to protect their family. Many Lhasa Apso dogs are accustomed to being pampered and they are considered sacred in their country-of-origin Tibet China. They are headstrong dogs that like to think of themselves as large dogs and have a knack for leadership. 

History of Lhasa Apso Breed:

The history of the Lhasa Apso dog breed originates in Tibet, China, where they were bred exclusively by monks as a guardian dogs. The first records of the breed go back to 800 BC when this dog was used as watchdogs for monasteries and temples. It had made it nearly impossible for ordinary people to purchase one Lhasa Apso dog.

Lhasa Apso Dog Breed - Complete Profile, History, and Care. https://www.petspalo.com

Personality of the Lhasa Apso Breed:

Lhasa Apso Dog Breed - Complete Profile, History, and Care. https://www.petspalo.com

The Lhasa Apso is the perfect indoor companion for royal watchdogs, and they have been highly dedicated to their job. This dog breed makes a great companion dog and protects their family from various dangers. This dog breed is intelligent and learns new things quickly, but they become uninterested in no time. They can adapt well to the living apartments but would not mind having a secure yard to run.

Coat color and Grooming:

Lhasa Apso comes in black, Honey, Golden, White, Sandy, Dark Grizzle, and Brown coat color. Frequent grooming is necessary for this dog breed coat to be healthy and clean. Lhasa Apso has long, straight, dense, and gorgeous coats, so grooming them is arduous to keep them looking at their best brush.

Lhasa Apso Dog Breed - Complete Profile, History, and Care. https://www.petspalo.com

Feeding (Diet and Nutrition):

Lhasa Apso Dog Breed - Complete Profile, History, and Care. https://www.petspalo.com

The finest quality of food is vital for the well-being of Lhasa Apso, which includes healthy protein, fat, carbohydrates, and vitamins. The proportionate amount of meat, fish, boiled raw vegetables, and healthy grains is significant for nourishment. The omega three fatty acids in food are essential to keep the liver and heart healthy. Lhasa Apso dog breeds need to consume two high-quality meals daily.

General Care:

It is incredibly significant to regularly brush the teeth of Lhasa Apso dogs to prevent tartar buildup and trim their nails once or twice a month. This dog breed prefers to stay indoors due to burning off energy. Lhasa Apso only needs 30 minutes of total exercise daily, and this can be accomplished with a couple of 10 to 15 minutes of walks each day.

Lhasa Apso Dog Breed - Complete Profile, History, and Care. https://www.petspalo.com

Common Health Problems:

Lhasa Apso Dog Breed - Complete Profile, History, and Care. https://www.petspalo.com

The average life expectancy of a Lhasa Apso is between 12 to 14 years. It is essential to visit a veterinarian occasionally to monitor the dog, although they tend to be healthy. 

This dog breed is still prone to health problems. The common health problems are mentioned below:

Size (Height and Weight):

Lhasa Apso is a highly independent dog and aims for himself. They boast a striking appearance low to the ground; they have pendent ears, dark inserted eyes, and thighs that tail held over the back. This dog breed can grow up to 10 to 11 inches in height and weighs between 13 to 15 pounds on average.

Lhasa Apso Dog Breed - Complete Profile, History, and Care. https://www.petspalo.com



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