Can Dogs Eat Popcorn

Can Cats Eat Popcorn

You may often watch a movie while having a soda and pop that salty and fluffy popcorn right down your gullet at night.

But guess what? Your “fluffy” and friendly dog will come up to you, licking your face and yelping to have you play with them and all sorts of stuff for attention.

Your dog may even try to chomp down on your popcorn as you are quietly chewing them up, not knowing what sort of popcorn it is. It could affect them in a wrong way, but guess what?

You may be overwhelmed with the sensation of having a companion to share your popcorn with on a cold and dark night. Hence the result would be you just flicking popcorn in style, and your dog is catching it in a swipe.

But have you ever wondered how wrong things could go if you are not careful about what sort of popcorn you share with your dog?

The question is, can dogs eat popcorn without falling ill?

Types of Popcorn to Share with your Dog

If the popcorn is unsalted, plain, and air-popped, then there won’t be any harm in passing the treat to your cute friend.

If you are splattering your popcorn with horrifying delights such as butter, salt, sugar, and other outrageous elements.

You could give your dog a bad case of food poisoning; these will result in harmful side effects such as diarrhea (prepare for a night of nightmares) or dehydration (courtesy of salt).

What can I do to keep my Dog safe from Popcorns

This shouldn’t be a question; the simple fact has already been explained, keep your popcorn unsalted without any toppings.

This way, you can give your dog a healthy treat whenever they feel like taking it. Otherwise, you may doom your dog to a lousy stomach and all sorts of illnesses at your own expense.

You could even cause obesity in the dogs if you start feeding them butter-filled popcorn without trying to moderate the intake. 

The problem is that most people prefer eating popcorn with all sorts of delights garnished on top of them, and most might be unaware of the effects of feeding this sort of popcorn straight to their dog. 

But if you are sharing your air-popped, unsalted and overall plain popcorn, then that could be slightly beneficial for your dog as they could contain bits of vitamins, minerals, and all sorts of stuff important for a dog’s nutrition.

Can Dogs Eat Popcorn Kernels

No, you cannot feed Popcorn Kernels to your Dogs; partially popped or whole kernels are never good to share with your dogs as they are hard enough to get stuck on their teeth and cause an emergency by getting stuck in their throats if they can somehow swallow the kernel.

It is in your dog’s best interest to keep the popcorn kernels away from them as far as possible.

Even if you have air-popped popcorn, the kernels will still be hard enough for your dog to chew on them; at best, it would damage their teeth or the choking hazard it could cause.

Can dogs eat popcorn? There are many variables to this; they can eat popcorn if you are careful with giving it to them; that is the most crucial part.

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