10 Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds in 2022

10 Best hypoallergenic cat Breeds in 2021. https://www.petspalo.com/

The Best hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

Many times, you have allergy issues with cats. You have a stronger desire to own one. The allergy fears will deprive you of having cats at home. Hypoallergenic cat exists for people suffering from allergies. The primary cause of allergies is a glycoprotein in a cat’s saliva, dander, and urine. Below is the list of 10 Hypoallergenic Cats explained below.

01. Balinese

10 Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds in 2021. https://www.petspalo.com/

The Balinese cat breed does not have a specific history. These beautiful cats are known for their friendly, intelligent, and playful nature. Their first introduction was in the United States of America in 1940. 

Balinese cats exist in Chocolate, Blue, and Lilac colors. The average weight of the Balinese is 6 to 11 pounds, and height varies from 6 to 7 inches. The life span is between 12 to 20 years.

Cat enthusiasts claim that Balinese Cat Breeds are the best hypoallergenic Cats. There is uncertain scientific evidence behind it. Balinese cats do not have undercoats, at which they shed the least. It is vital to provide them with toys and entertainment to avoid boredom.

General Health
Low 40%
Grooming Level
High 80%
Shedding Level
Medium 60%
Friendliness Level
High 80%
Tendency to Vocalize
low 20%
High 100%

Life Span:

9 to 15 years


Up to 18 inches, not including tail


5 to 10 pounds


United States and Thailand

02. Cornish Rex

10 Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds in 2021. https://www.petspalo.com/

The origin of Cornish Rex cat was discovered in Cornwall in 1950, which was born to a farm cat. They are playful, prudent, and fond of learning new tricks. 

The different colors of Cornish Rex are White, Black, Blue, Red, Cream, Chocolate, Lavender, Silver, Smoke, and Rabby. 

As per size, Cornish Rex grows up to 12 to 14 inches in height and weighs 6 to 10 pounds. The life span of the Cornish Rex is 10 to 15 years.

There is no scientific proof of allergies. Some owners will react to allergies. The Cornish Rex Cat Breeds are the best hypoallergenic Cats as they are not the primary cause of allergies but by dander and dead skin cells.f 

The reputable breeder will not guarantee that Cornish Rex is an entirely hypoallergenic Cat. It is a vigorous cat that requires regular physical activity.

General Health
Medium 60%
Grooming Level
High 100%
Shedding Level
Low 40%
Friendliness Level
High 100%
Tendency to Vocalize
Low 40%
High 80%

Life Span:

11 to 15 years


Up to 18 inches, not including tail


6 to 10 pounds


United Kingdom

03. Javanese

10 Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds in 2021. https://www.petspalo.com/

The Javanese Cat Breed was bred in 1978 with a longer coat. It is the crossbreeding between Balinese and Colourpoint shorthair. 

The Javanese Cat Breed desire to spend time with people and get involved in everything. Javanese Cat breeds come in Red or Cream, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac, Chocolate-tortie, Blue-cream, and Lilac-cream colors. 

The average life span is 10 to 15 years. They have an average height of 18 to 20 inches and weigh 5 to 10 pounds.

Javanese Cat Breed has a single coat. They shed less because of a lack of undercoats. These cats are an excellent choice for allergic people, as these cats are the best hypoallergenic Cats. 

It is wise to keep Javanese cats indoors because other cats can spread diseases.

General Health
Low 40%
Grooming Level
High 80%
Shedding Level
Medium 60%
Friendliness Level
High 80%
Tendency to Vocalize
Low 20%
High 80%

Life Span:

10 to 15 years


18 to 20 inches, not including tail


5 to 10 pounds


United States and Canada

04. Russian Blue

10 Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds in 2021. https://www.petspalo.com/

It has been a belief that the Russian blue Cat Breed originated from Northern Russia. The temperament of the Russian blue cat is sweet and loyal; they desire to follow their owners.

The existence of Russian Blue Cat Breed is in colors varying from light shimmering silver to a darker and slate grey. 

The average height is 8 to 10 inches, weighing 8 to 12 pounds. The life span is 15 to 20 years.

These adorable cats require physical and mental stimulation. It is significant to allow them to play with toys.

The Russian Blue Cat is the best hypoallergenic Cats with low FEL D1; small amounts cause an allergic reaction. These cats also produce dander, which creates irritation.

General Health
High 80%
Grooming Level
Low 40%
Shedding Level
High 80%
Friendliness Level
Medium 60%
Tendency to Vocalize
Medium 60%
High 80%

Life Span:

10 to 15 years


15 to 18 inches, not including tail


7 to 15 pounds


Archangel Isles, Russia

05. Selkirk Rex

10 Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds in 2021. https://www.petspalo.com/

Selkirk Rex Cat Breed appeared first in Montana in 1987. It is a new cat breed, but the cat association and fans took little time to notice. They are pretty affectionate and require special attention.

The coat color of the Selkirk Rex Cat Breed is a combination of different colors. The color can be purple polka-dotted, and the eyes can have any color. 

The height of Selkirk Rex Cat Breed is 9 to 11 inches tall, and the average weight is 9 to 16 pounds.

The life span of Selkirk Rex is up to 14 years. It is assumed that the coat of Selkirk Rex is the best Hypoallergenic Cat because of its texture; it is correct. Shedding is an issue of protein production, which leads to allergies.

General Health
Medium 60%
Grooming Level
Low 40%
Shedding Level
Medium 60%
Friendliness Level
High 80%
Tendency to Vocalize
Low 40%
Medium 60%

Life Span:

10 to 15 years


9 to 11 inches, not including tail


10 to 15 pounds


Montana, USA

If you are a dog person. Check out our article on the 10 Adorable Hypoallergenic Dog breeds That Don’t Shed in 2022.

06. Siamese Cat

10 Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds in 2021. https://www.petspalo.com/

The Siamese Cat Breed was initially developed in Siam; now, it is in Thailand. This Cat Breed was not exported till the late 19th century. 

Siamese cats are intelligent and social; they like to communicate with those who listen to them.

Siamese Cat Breeds’ colors are silver, grey, orange, brown, cream, and blue. The average weight of this cat is 4 to 6 kilograms, and its height ranges between 27 to 31 centimeters.

The life expectancy of a Siamese is 15 to 20 years. The Siamese Cat Breed is recognized as one of the best hypoallergenic Cats and comes with extra short hair that limits shedding. The kittens need the finest planned food for growth and development.

General Health
Medium 60%
Grooming Level
High 80%
Shedding Level
Low 40%
Friendliness Level
High 100%
Tendency to Vocalize
High 100%
High 100%

Life Span:

8 to 15 years


15 to 20 inches, not including tail


6 to 14 pounds



07. Siberian Cat

10 Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds in 2021. https://www.petspalo.com/

The Siberian Cat Breed is originally from Taiga of Siberia; they were imported to the United stated in 1990. Siberian cats are brilliant and have the potential to solve the problem. The persona of the Siberian cats is affectionate and playful.

These glamorous cats are available in Brown, Black, Red, and White. The height of Siberian ranges from 9 to 11 inches, and they weigh an average of 10 to 20 pounds.

This wonderful Siberian Cat Breed lives a life of 12 to 15 years. It can conclude that the Siberian Cat breeds are the best hypoallergenic Cats. Science has not proven that any breed is more or less allergic.

General Health
High 80%
Grooming Level
Low 40%
Shedding Level
High 80%
Friendliness Level
High 100%
Tendency to Vocalize
Low 40%
High 80%

Life Span:

11 to 18 years


17 to 25 inches


8 to 17 pounds



08. Oriental Shorthair

10 Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds in 2021. https://www.petspalo.com/

The Oriental Shorthair Cat Breed was quite popular in the 1910s and 1920s in Britain. They are not only elegant but have higher intellectual capability.

Oriental Cat Breed is the precise color, including Lilac, Cinnamon, Fawn, Caramel, Red, Cream, and apricot. These cats can grow up to 8 to 10 inches in height and weigh 6 to 12 pounds. The average life expectancy is 12 to 15 years.

Oriental Cat Breed is one of the hypoallergenic cat breeds. There is no other cat that is completely hypoallergenic. The production of Fel D1 protein is less in these cats, which is accountable for bringing out cat allergies.

General Health
Medium 60%
Grooming Level
Low 20%
Shedding Level
Medium 60%
Friendliness Level
High 100%
Tendency to Vocalize
High 100%
High 100%

Life Span:

12 to 17 years


22 to 25 inches, not including tail


7 to 17 pounds


Great Britain

09. Sphynx

10 Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds in 2021. https://www.petspalo.com/

Are sphynx Cats hypoallergenic? Yes, the adorable Sphynx Cat hypoallergenic Cats. Are hairless cats hypoallergenic? Sphynx cats do not shed Fel D1 protein as they have a hairless skin coat.

Sphynx Cat breeds are ideal for people facing allergy issues. The origins of the Sphynx Cat Breed are derived from the name “Canadian Hairless.” They were first developed in Toronto, Canada, in 1966.

The Sphynx Cat Breed is famous for its hairless coat; these cats are friendly and playful.

Sphynx Cats come in white, black, red, chocolate, and lavender colors. These cats grow up to 8 to 10 inches in height and weigh an average of 10 to 12 pounds.

Sphynx Cat Breed survives till 8 to 14 years, depending on their health maintenance.

General Health
Low 40%
Grooming Level
Low 40%
Shedding Level
Low 20%
Friendliness Level
High 100%
Tendency to Vocalize
High 100%
High 80%

Life Span:

8 to 14 years


13 to 15 inches


6 to 12 pounds



10. Devon Rex

10 Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds in 2021. https://www.petspalo.com/

Devon Rex is an energetic and super active cat breed. Initially, it was considered that the genetic mutation was the same in Devon Rex and Cornish Res. It was later discovered that cats have different genetic variations. 

Devon Rex Cat Breed exists in White, Black, Blue, Red, Cream, Chocolate, Lavender, Cinnamon, and Fawn colors. Their height ranges from 10 to 12 pounds and weighs an average of around 8 to 10 pounds. The life expectancy is 10 to 15 years.

Devon Rex Cat Breed is less allergic to people, as some can tolerate them. Hence, they are not an utterly hypoallergenic cat breed. Devon Rex cats have good jumping skills; daily exercise should be scheduled.

General Health
Low 20%
Grooming Level
High 100%
Shedding Level
Low 20%
Friendliness Level
High 80%
Tendency to Vocalize
High 60%
High 80%

Life Span:

9 to 15 years


15 to 18 inches


5 to 10 pounds


Devon, England

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